Audi RS4 - Avus Silver - Paint Correction and more.
Audi RS4 - Avus Silver - Paint Correction and more.We haven't seen this car for 2 years and our customer wanted to get it back into shape. A full clean up including wheels pulled off, wheel wells cleaned, brake calipers cleaned and opti coated. The engine was cleaned with Adam's APC and dressed with Adam's In and Out. A full paint correction was needed, we remove imperfections and bring back the gloss. The last step used would be Sonax Polymer Net Shield. The interior needed some work as well, carpets were vac'd, cleaned up with Sonax Carpet and Upholstery with the Uber interior brush and Griots, followed by extraction. 3 steps on the leather - including Leather Master Rapid S, Leather Master Vital, and protected with Leather Master Protection Cream. Exterior - Wheels were prepped with Sonax Wheel Cleaner and cleaned up with various brushes - Tires were spritzed down with Sonax MultiStar and wiped down/rinsed - Wheel wells were cleaned up - Washed with Adam's Car Wash - Decon with -testing Sonax Fallout Remover - Wash down and rinsed - Door jambs were cleaned up - Nano Scrub AutoScrub - Dried - Tires dressed - Masking - Paint Measurement - Compound - Menzerna FG400 - Final Polish - Sonax Perfect Finish - Last step - Sonax Polymer Net Shield - Inspection with Fenix, Brinkmann, and natural sunlight - Wheel wells were cleaned and dressed - Rubber and Plastics Treated - Exterior windows and mirrors cleaned and sealed - Exhaust tips cleaned - Windows were auto scrubed, cleaned, and sealed Interior: - Complete interior steam cleaned - Complete interior vac - Vinyl/Plastics cleaned up - Leather cleaned and condition Engine - Clean - Dress Links to products used - Adam's Car Wash Sonax Fall Out Remover - Testing Stoner's Tarminator Auto Finesse Oblitarate Sonax Multi Star Sonax Full Effect Wheel Cleaner NanoSkin AutoScrub System Menzerna FG400 Sonax Perfect Finish Sonax Polymer Net Shield Adam's Super VRT Auto Finesse Crystal Glass Cleaner Adam's Metal Polish 1 Adam's Metal Polish 2 Interior Sonax Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner 1Z einszett Cockpit Leather Master Rapid S Leather Master Vital Conditioner Leather Master Protection Cream Engine Adam's All Purpose Cleaner Adam's In and Out Spray Tools used Uber Wool Wash Mitt Uber No Name MF Towels Griot's 6 inch Random Orbital Polisher Rupes LHR75 Rupes BigFoot LHR 21ES Random Orbital Polisher Rupes BigFoot LHR 15ES Random Orbital Polisher Uber Buffing Pads Adam's Orange Pad Meg's MF Cutting Pad Defelsko Paint Meter Fenix TK35 Brinkmann Kranzle Pressure Washer Uber Foam Canon 2 Grit Guard Buckets with Caddies Adam's Firehose Nozzle Metro Air Force Blaster Interior before
Work in progress Carpets - Vac, Machine Brushed, and Extraction
Steaming tough grime and tight areas to loosen up dirt and grime.
Leather - Cleaned - Conditioned - Protected
50/50 shots of the leather clean up
Interior after
Engine Before
A closer look
Engine After
Prep We got our hands on Sonax Full Effect Wheel Cleaner Pro - faster, stronger, cleaner.
Sonax Full Effect Wheel Cleaner Pro - quick reaction
Sonax Multistar on the tires
We have found using a microfiber and Sonax Multistar is great way to remove all that caked on tire dressing.
To maximize the cleaning power of your wheel cleaner make sure you hit up your wheels various brushes. Wheels woolies
Boar's hair brush
Sonax Multistar used on the rubber trim to remove dirt and grime.
Nice and clean
Testing out Sonax Fall Out Remover
Foaming prep shots are in the video. Nanoskin wash mitt used
Removing road grime and tar
Wheel wells being cleaned up
After shots
Wheel cleaned up and opti coated
Exhaust were hit up
Masking trim
Rupe BigFoot Polisher in action
Rear taillight before
Rear taillight after - Menzerna FG400 with an Uber MF Cutting Pad followed by Sonax Perfect Finish with an Uber Orange Pad on the Rupes BigFoot
After shots
I hope you enjoyed our thread. For more please take a look at our video of this job.