Honda S2000 with Severe Swirls
My customer bought a leftover S2000 in BB with no miles (amazing deal). However the paint was another issue. Here is where we came in. We put about 14 hours into the paint over 2 days and below are the results. Other than the paint the car was mint! What was done - Exterior - Wheels were prepped with Sonax Wheel Cleaner and cleaned up with various brushes - Tires were spritzed down with Adam’s All Purpose Cleaner and washed down - Wheel wells were cleaned up - Pre Washed with W99 - Wash down and rinsed - Door jambs were cleaned up - Clayed - Dried - Tires dressed - Masking - Paint Measurement - 2 Step - Menzerna Super Intensive Polish with Menzerna Super Finish - Inspection with Fenix, 3m Sun Gun, Infratech, and natural sunlight - Last Step – Lusso Oro - Rubber and Plastics Treated - Exterior windows and mirrors cleaned and sealed - Exhaust tips cleaned - Windows were clayed, cleaned, and sealed - Jambs steam cleaned Links to products used - 1Z einszett W99 Adam's All Purpose Cleaner Sonax Full Effect Wheel Cleaner Uber Clay Bar Kit Menzerna Super Intensive Polish Menzerna Super Finish Lusso Oro Adam's Super VRT Optimum Metal Polish Adam's Glass Cleaner Adam's Glass Sealant Interior 1Z einszett Cockpit 1Z einszett Leathercare Tools used Uber Wool Wash Mitt Uber No Name MF Towels Porter Cable 7424XP Flex PE14-2-150 Uber Buffing Pads Defelsko Paint Meter Fenix TK11 Brinkmann Kranzle Pressure Washer Cam Spray Foam Canon 2 Grit Guard Buckets with Caddies Uber Firehose Nozzle Interior Before
Exterior Before
Wheels were in great shape we used Sonax Full Effect Wheel Cleaner (no brushes needed)
Clean wheels
Tires were cleaned with the Uber Wheel/Tire Brush and Adam's All Purpose Cleaner
Uber Fender Brush to clean up the wheel wells
Pre Rinse, Wash, Convertible Top Cleaned
After wash pics show how bad the paint really is
50/50 shots of the paint correction - Super Intensive Polish followed by Super Finish
Fenix showing the imperfections
Paint on the door panel before
After the necessary polishing
Headlights were polished out.
After the extensive polishing we rinsed all the dust off the car
Afters Lusso Oro was used as a last step
Outside shots
Permission for this write up granted by the owner. Enjoy!