BMW 135 Prepped for Aquartz and Opti Coat
This 1 series came to us in pretty good shape. Not much polishing was needed however a thorough cleaning was necessary and proper prep on the paint and wheels were needed to apply Aquartz and Opti Coat - something the customer was keen on as this is a heavily used daily and also sees the track time. What was done - Exterior - Wheels were prepped with Sonax Wheel Cleaner and cleaned up with various brushes - Tires were spritzed down with Adam’s All Purpose Cleaner and washed down - Wheel wells were cleaned up - Pre Washed with W99 - Iron Cut - Wash down and rinsed - Door jambs were cleaned up - Clayed - Dried - Tires dressed - Masking - Paint Measurement -1 Step - Sonax Perfect Finish - Inspection with Fenix, 3m Sun Gun, Infratech, and natural sunlight - Last Step – Aquartz (3 coats) - Wheels pulled off and treated with Opti Coat 2 - Brake Calipers cleaned and treated with Opti Coat 2 - Wheel wells were cleaned and dressed - Rubber and Plastics Treated - Exterior windows and mirrors cleaned and sealed - Exhaust tips cleaned - Windows were clayed, cleaned, and sealed - Jambs steam cleaned Links to products used - 1Z einszett W99 Iron Cut Adam's All Purpose Cleaner Sonax Full Effect Wheel Cleaner Adam's Undercarriage Spray Uber Clay Bar Kit Sonax Perfect Finish Aquartz Nano Coating Optimum Opti Coat 2 Adam's Super VRT Adam's Metal Polish Adam's Glass Cleaner Engine Adam's All Purpose Cleaner Adam's In and Out Spray Interior 1Z einszett Cockpit 1Z einszett Leathercare Tools used Uber Wool Wash Mitt Uber No Name MF Towels Flex PE14-2-150 Uber Buffing Pads Defelsko Paint Meter Brinkmann Kranzle Pressure Washer Cam Spray Foam Canon 2 Grit Guard Buckets with Caddies Uber Firehose Nozzle Metro Air Force Blaster Interior Before
Metro Vac being used to clean up the interior
Exterior Before
Wheels (this was 1 week of brake dust) Before
Sonax Full Effect Wheel Cleaner to the rescue
(more on the wheels in a few) Engine Before
Adam's All Purpose sprayed generously on the engine bay
After Engine was dressed with Adam's In and Out Spray
Bug and tar was evident on the nose of the car. I used the 1Z einszett Anti-Insekt Bug + Tar Remover
As you can see the Iron Cut was needed on this 1.

The 1 was washed with W99 and then rinsed well.
Clayed the windows and paint
I was still able to pull contaminants off the paint
Used 3m Adhesive remover to pull tar off the bottom of the car
As mentioned before the car didn't need much in terms of correction. We used Sonax Perfect Finish to prep the paint for Aquartz
On to the wheels, brake calipers and wheel wells
Steam used to clean the caliper/wheel wells etc
Opti Coat applied
Adam's Super VRT on the tires
After shots