BMW X5 4.8 Winter Prep/Detail
Okay so this one was from 2009. Sorry for the delay. This was a full clean up , engine, exterior, interior. Not much in the paint correction department as we did it a year ago. But never did a write up on it. For this job we washed/clayed/einszett Metallic, and finished with Swissvax Glacier. What was done - Exterior - Wheels were cleaned and prepped for SV Autobahn - Tires were spritzed down with P21S Total Autowash and washed down - Wheel wells were spritzed down with P21S Total Autowash - Wash down and rinsed - Door jambs were cleaned up - Clayed - Dried - Wheel Wells were cleaned and dressed with Adam's Undercarriage Spray - Tires dressed with Swissvax Pneu - Masking - Einszett Metallic - Inspection with Fenix, 3m Sun Gun, Infratech, and natural sunlight - Last Step - Swissvax Glacier - Rubber and Plastics Treated - Exterior windows and mirrors cleaned and sealed - Exhaust tips cleaned Interior Leather Master Trio Einszett Cockpit Einszett Plastic Deep Cleaner Exterior: Adam's Car Wash Einszett W99 P21S Total Auto Wash (engine, presoak, wheel wells, tires) Uber Yellow Wash Sponge Uber Clay Bar kit with Optimum No Rinse Einszett Spray Wax Einszett Metallic Swissvax Glacier Wheels/Tires Uber Wheel/Wheel Well/Tire/Engine Kit Interior Uber interior Kit Tools: Infratech 5300 Fenix TK11 Brinkmann Porter Cable The Uber Foam Pads (5.5inch) Tons of "Uber" Microfiber Towels Uber Drying Towels Brushes Cam Spray Pressure Wash and Foam Canon Attachment Interior
Clean up
Before shots
Wheel wells
Before engine
P21S Total Autowash - Engine Bay
After shot of the engine
Foaming the X
Adam's Undercarriage Spray applied before pulling the car in
Dan claying and removing some grime that would not come off during the wash
Swissvax Autobahn on the wheels
Exhaust tips before
Optimum Metal Polish
Exhaust tips after
Opti-Seal on the windows
Einszett Metallic
Swissvax Glacier
Final inspection
After shots in cloudy weather sorry..
(Permission for the write up granted by the customer)