2010 Audi A4 Sline New Car Prep and 3M PPF Install
Here is a 2010 Audi A4 Sline, the customer requested the dealer not to prep the car. The dealer only took off the white film and packaging from Audi. We had a great surface to work with all that was required was to degrease some of the spots from the normal driving, a good claying, 1 step polish with Menzerna PO85RD and finally Collinite Insulator Wax with Swissvax Divine to top it. As well as a new car prep the customer requested that we install a 3M PPF (custom cut) on his bumper, partial hood and fender, and mirrors. Enjoy. Products used: Exterior: Lusso AutoBathe Uber Yellow Wash Sponge Swissvax Yellow Clay Bar and Optimum Instant Detail Spray and Gloss Enhancer Einszett Spray Wax P21S Finish Restorer Metal Polish (on the tips) Menzerna PO85RD Collinite Insulator Wax Swissvax Divine Wheels and tires: P21S Wheel Cleaner Gel Swissvax Wheel Brush Uber Wheel Brush Uber Spoke Brush Swissvax Pneu Swissvax Autobahn Tools: Infratech 5300 Flex 3403 Porter Cable X7424XP The Uber Foam Pads (5.5inch) Tons of "Uber" Microfiber Towels Uber Drying Towels Brushes Cam Spray Pressure Wash and Cam Spray Foam Canon Before shots:
Wheels were cleaned up by using P21S Wheel Cleaner Gel, with Swissvax Wheel Brush, Uber Wheel Brush, and good old microfiber towels
P21S Total Autowash was used on the bug and tar and some spots as pictured above on the hood and mirrors.
Lusso Auto Bath was used to wash the car.
Car was rinsed and Wheels all cleaned up
Clay bar after a couple passes
Polishing with Menzerna PO85RD and the Uber Green Pad
Rinse after polishing as we prep for the 3M PPF install
Final Touches on the Wheels
3M PPF Prep and Install
Fitting to the hood
Fender install - Film was lined up with the hood and then fitted and tacked down
Bumper install
Wax being applied with the PC 7424XP
Nice even coat of wax
Final shots of the car
Customer and friend inspected film with Dan